Thursday, October 6, 2011


My fellow colleagues,
                      Yesterday would be accounted as the one of the worst day in my CFS career. It was atrocious, and yeah i said it, atrocious. Knowing well i had an ap chemistry test yesterday, I decided to procrastinate and study in the eleventh hour. Thought I could use the little knowledge to past the test, and when I say little I mean minuscule.
                    Confidently walked in class, thinking I had a good grasp of the test. I was relieved to have found out that there were only six questions. Grabbed the calculator which was not stolen, but taken from my brother without his consent. Answered the first three questions in the first page which boosted my moral. Unfortunately, I couldn't predict the future, only to have flipped the test over that left me discombobulated. I didn't answer the full back page. I walked in class confidently only to have walked out in disappointment.
                 On that same day, we traveled to compete against Devon prep in the sport of soccer. On our way there, Bobby, Julio, Dontae, Miles and I were very hype because we thought we would win the game. Ironically that wasn't displayed on the field when the whistle blew to commence the game. Usually in the sport of soccer when a team scores the first goal everything starts to workout for that team. Well, umm that didn't happen with us because the whole team was lacking effort. We scored and ironically everything went down hill after that. We were able to pull it together at the end to take it to over-time only to lose horrifically to them. "Whoa, how did that just happen ?"I stated to myself in disgrunt.
          Atrocious day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!